Sunday, November 11, 2012

Shadows Cast By Shutters Against Shiny White Walls

Shutters have apparently been around since the ancient Greeks who made louvered shutters made of MARBLE! Yes, you read that right, marble. Can't even imagine the effort it would have taken to open and close those things. But talk about providing security. But security wasn't the only issue. Being as they are in the Mediterranean, they were also vulnerable to some pretty severe thunderstorms (think tropical storms) so marble shutters would also have helped keep out the rain and wind.

Nowadays, we tend to use wood and metal and polymer shutters. And please, make architects everywhere happy, if you are going to put shutters or faux shutters on your house, please, get the appropriate sized shutters. Bob Borson wrote a blog about it here, and I have to agree with him. It drives me a little nuts to have itty bitty shutters on big windows. Also, I think it's hilarious that he calls inappropriately sized shutters, "shudders." Have a read. He's a funny guy.

This is an appropriately sized shutter for it's window.

Now for the shadows. I think the shadows created by shutters are interesting. Not real sure if these are from shutters or from blinds, but from the larger shadow in the middle I'm going to count it as shutters.

This one is fascinating for the shadow of shutters across the shutters. So many lines going in so many directions!

The shadows on the wall combined with the ornate and pretty yet functional banister on the stairs is amazing.

I threw this one in because I had never seen shutters like this before. I've seen several other pictures similar to this now, but this was the first

This flickr site has a LONG history of shutters if anyone is interested.

And this website has a lot of pictures of shutters. The ones for windows as well as the ones for cameras.

So anyway, sorry I didn't get more up today. I've got a gig tomorrow so I don't know how much I'll get up tomorrow either. But I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

1 comment:

JeffreyEdwards said...

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