Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I am having surgery on Friday. Arthroscopic surgery on my left knee. Not life-threatening, I assure you. Or so they have assured me. Although in the back of my brain I can't help but worry about reactions to anesthetics even though I have never had a reaction before.

And frankly I'm scared to death. I am not a big fan of the idea of them cutting my leg open. I'm not a fan of them cutting ANY of me open.

And now I have a small stack papers in front of me with titles like: Patient Rights and Responsibilities, L******e Surgical Center Patient Information, and Knee Arthroscopy. The last one on my desk has information on it like surgery date, location, check in time, and surgery time; along with some pretty vital stuff like "You may have nothing to eat or drink (including water) after midnight the night before your surgery." and how to prevent infection.

The one kind of awesome thing about this surgery (and this shows how much of a book worm I am... although since the movies came out maybe not so much) is that my surgeon's name is Dr. Watson.

In the end, I hope and pray that this will solve my knee issues. If all goes well, my right knee will be done at a later time, maybe June. I'll let you know.

I know I don't post on here regularly and I probably therefore don't have a regular reading base. But if you could, send me good thoughts, prayers, healing energy, whatever you would like to call it. I'd really appreciate it.