Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Boat Tour to See Picturesque Little Ocher-and-Reed Villages

When I was looking for images of ocher and red villages, the village that came up the most was Rousillon, in the Provence region of France. In fact, that was the only place that I could find referred to as an ocher and red village. And they are renowned for it. Five of the links on the first google results page are about Rousillon. (The others: 4 are about art for sale and 1 is about the Himba, Namibia's famous "red women" who paint themselves with ocher mixed with other things.)

So here are some pictures of the famous ocher and red village of Rousillon:

This one is my favorite however:
Honestly, it's because of the lavender in the picture. I love lavender.

I could not, however, find any reference of being able to take a boat tour to Rousillon. But bike tours seem popular. If you're interested, look here:

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