Monday, May 7, 2007

Feeling lost

I am feeling completely lost. I know where I am and what I am doing but I still feel lost on a daily basis. I am going to school, yet in the middle of studying I find myself thinking "what's the point?" I had to create a plan of what classes I am going to take when so that I could see my progress and give myself inspiration to even finish an assignment.

I think that part of the problem is that I am taking all my classes at the community college first and then I plan to transfer when I am done with them. So, I am not getting to really take any classes that relate to my major until the Fall of 2008.

Another problem is that I HATE Omaha. I never realized how much until this morning. I feel so isolated here. I have gone long time periods with us only having one car before but it was in areas that had a decent public transportation system. Omaha, to put it mildly, doesn't. The closest bus stop is over a mile away. So in order to go anywhere, I would have to drag my 3 year old & my newborn over a mile there and back.

There's also nothing really interesting to do either. The zoo and museums don't have free days like the ones in Denver do. And when you have limited budget and a few kids, you can't really go any other way. And my idea of fun isn't to go sit at a park all day and watch the kids play.

But this is where the job is for now. So here in the middle of BFE I sit. Isolated. I know I'm not alone literally but when your main conversation partner for weeks is with a 3 year old, it sure as hell feels like it.

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