Friday, May 25, 2007

RENThead & the real world (not the TV show duh!)

I am a RENThead, albeit a recent one. I love the movie & musical even though I have only seen bootleg videos of it. I wish the tour would come here but I'm afraid that a couple things might happen: a) I'd have to try to explain it to the blue-haired old ladies sitting near me & b) they'd have a heart attack once I did. Which would lead to c) the whole freaking town freaking out about the show.

Hello people! Welcome to the real world where women like women, men like men, and people actually do get addicted to drugs and get STD's. This is still a backwater town even if they do have a number of universities and colleges. Yet, the number of teenagers here with STD's is astronomical. And five bucks says their parents are at a loss cause their precious innocent children couldn't possibly be having sex, right? Educate your children people. They need to know the real deal, not the fairy tale land where no one gets pregnant or AIDS no matter how much they do or do not sleep around. Sorry for getting off on a rant here but it really is important.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.